Every year we get inundated with requests for our Swedish antique mora clocks as they are the perfect Christmas gift.
The mora clocks bring style and elegance to your house and are a really impactful present.
Swedish mora clocks come in a variety of sizes from 185-250cm tall and as no two are ever alike, they make a really personal Christmas gift.
The Swedish antique mora clocks whether they end up in the USA, UK or Europe come in plainer country styles for those who like thing understated or more elaborative and usually hand painted decorative styles embellished with swags and curlicues and even the odd dove!
So you can always find a mora clock for sale here that will match your interior and design ethic.
The mora clock can take pride of place in a hallway, living room or dining room overlooking your life like a fairy guardian or you can with a simpler clock just have it blend into a kitchen or bedroom or or library where it brings joy to the eye without overtaking the room itself.
Mora clocks were made by individual craftsmen from late 1700s to later 1800s in Sweden always at the behest of a customer - each one was individual to the owner.
The rich ordered more showy fancy mora clocks to display their wealth and taste while simple country clocks were often given to newly married couples in Swedish villages to celebrate the start of their new married life together.
Colours were often influenced by where the clock was made so Jamtland mora clocks tend to have a range of blues and reds in dramatic polychromatic finishes whereas mora clocks from the region of dalarna sported the classic brown and ochres of the Kurbits folk art style mora clocks with feather motifs and swishes on a faux wood grain background.
So whatever your style we have a mora clock for sale that is right for you and we love helping you find the one that will be closest to your heart
Just contact us and lets begin to explore the wild world of Swedish mora clocks together
Clocks are priced from £1500-9995+ delivery anywhere in the world including mora clocks to the USA Canada UK and Europe.
