So on our never ending hunt to bring you the most beautiful swedish mora clocks in the world, we have, if i may so, really outdone ourselves this time.
5 amazing painted mora clocks from the early 1800s are winging there way across the sea to our clock sanctuary in the UK ready to ship to the USA or wherever you live to brighten up your life.
We have 2 fryksdall mora clocks in the most amazing handpainted finish - I love fryksdall style mora clocks. The tiny waist, the carved feather motifs on the base, the elaborate hoods and carved detailing around neck.
These 2 are in very good condition and will fly out of our clock sanctuary I would imagine - so contact us quickly if you want one.

We also have found a cracking grey painted country style mora clock

A very unusual pale blue tall slender mora clock with lots of gorgeous detail

and a stunning black and gold mora clock too
so buy them while you can and live the mora life