We have done well since christmas and have found 5 lovely 1800s swedish antique mora clocks in Sweden to add to our collection.
So you need to take a look and see if you like the new mora clocks we have coming over to the UK.
The antique Mora clocks are available in a number of sizes from 191cm - 224cm and in lots of different colours.
Some have handpainted art on them including songbirds and flowers while others carry delicate carvings and all have great quality faces.
As usual with clocks of this age, the wood has moved in places and the paint is distressed with some enamel lifting on the faces - we will of course check over your chosen more clock and perform any necessary restoration.
It is always important though not to over restore - you want to keep enough distressing to keep the vibe of the clock. It has a history and that is shown in the bumps of bruises of its life.
If you restore too far then you lose the authenticity and personality that is individual to each clock - like a plastic surgeon that takes the individuality out of an actress with too tight a face and too much botox.
We will fit a battery mechanism to your clock as standard. This can be done without harming the clock or we can fit a great sounding chiming battery mechanism for an extra charge - it has an 8 hour night off switch and volume control for ease of use and runs on 2 x AA batteries.
We ask that you use only duracell batteries as other brands don't seem to work as well.